Prose: Sarah Beaver
Photography and peanut gallery: Tom Lawrence
Summary: With Tom's company and with four other double centuries for
the year and the minor detail of a cross-country trip as training,
this was by far the most fun and easiest double century I have ever
ridden. Also, Tom's stash of tuna fish sandwiches helped him ride
consistently throughout the day without having to rely on the rest
stops for food.
Tom, and I gathered
with about 360 other cyclists for the start of the
2002 Death Valley double and single centuries. Tim
peeled off with some comrades he had ridden with at
Knoxville, Tom and I rode together, and Craig and Ken (being on a tandem)
stuck together throughout the day.
By the time we left Furnace Creek at 6am, the sky was
surprisingly light.
We spent the morning riding up,
down, up, down over little rollers in the valley. We
rode through patches of cool air, then patches of warm
air, then patches of cool air, then patches of warm
air. Tom rode strong, and I helped by keeping a close
watch on his rear wheel. I never knew when I might
need to fend off evil back drafts sneaking up from
behind to pull Tom backwards. Or something like that.
Tom and I made our first official stop at Ashford
Mills. A fellow PAC Tour rider, Reed Finfrock, was
supporting the stop. I guess he was taking a little
break from riding after winning Furnace Creek 508 for
his age division less than two weeks after PAC Tour ended.
I went around to the back side of the support table
and said, "Reed! Photo op!" Reed was wearing a
Halloween costume that covered his ears and didn't
hear me. "What do you need?" he kept saying. I was
trying to explain that I had a good reason for
venturing back into the worker area and kept saying,
"I want Tom to take our picture." Reed still didn't
hear so after the third or fourth time I finally
pointed at Tom's camera and
Tom took our picture.
Back on the road, at some point we started climbing.
The low point of the ride, Badwater, is the lowest point in North
America, at minus 282 feet.
The highest
point of the ride is Salsberry Pass at 3315 feet. In
between is Jubilee Pass at around 1300 feet, with a
couple-hundred-foot drop before the road continues
climbing to Salsberry. After Salsberry, riders descend
for about twelve miles, turn around at Shoshone,
double back on the course -- going back over both Salsberry
and Jubilee -- past Furnace Creek to Stove Pipe Wells,
then turn around at Stove Pipe and double back for a second time to
finish at Furnace Creek. The double route has about
8000 feet of climbing all together, and the majority
of it is completed by the second Salsberry summit, at
about mile 90.
For some reason the climb to Salsberry didn't seem
that bad to me this year. Tom and I had completed the
ride on the tandem in 1998 and that time the climb to
the pass seemed to go on forever. This time, I noticed
that the grade was so shallow most of the way that the
road almost appeared flat.
The grade didn't seem flat to anyone else... Sarah was her usual
apologetic self about being strong as she rode past me and off into
the distance. I believe her words were something
like "sorry, you're not going too slowly, it's just that the road just
got flatter". Yeah right.
Tom had suffered horrible
bonking incidents on each of his previous Salsberry summits, and
this year was determined to ride slowly and avoid any power outages.
I'm happy to report that he was successful and yet still managed to
reach each summit before me.
After Salsberry, we had a strong head wind descending
into Shoshone and Tom commented how much we'd
appreciate the wind on the return ascent. I was half
excepting lunch at Shoshone since that's where it had
been in 1998, although the course was slightly
different then. At Shoshone, however, not only was
lunch not there, but Tom announced that we were going
to be in and out of the stop as quickly as possible. I
complained a little about needing to fuel up a bit
before the return ascent but we still managed to get
back on the road fairly quickly.
We enjoyed the tailwind climbing back up to Salsberry.
Once we hit the Salsberry summit for the second time,
I knew we had already completed the most difficult
part of the ride, even though we were still less than
half way done in terms of miles. The descent from
Salsberry back into the valley seemed to go on forever
and I couldn't believe we had climbed that much.
Back at Ashford Mills, where Reed was still faithfully
manning the rest stop, I again expected lunch since we
were now at about the half-way point mile-wise, but lunch was
still up ahead at the next stop, at Badwater, at mile
130. We picked up our lights at Ashford Mills,
however, at mile 103, which is good since we had a
mere three and a half hours of daylight left and I'd
hate to cut that too close.
At Ashford Mills, I began to get a little worried
about Tom. When Tom rides strong, he's unstoppable,
but when he starts to fade he can sink pretty low. I
have several dark memories from our tandem days of Tom
sitting at rest stops on brevets and doubles
responding incomprehensibly with grunts and groans to
queries about what kind of food he needed.
At Ashford Mills the situation wasn't quite that
bleak. Tom said he needed time to eat the third of
four tuna fish sandwiches he'd brought for himself for
the day. I was concerned about lingering at the rest
stop too long, though, so I attempted to speed things
up by wrenching Tom's salt-encrusted CamelBak off of
his shoulders so I could fill it up and replenishing
his water bottle with Sustained Energy. Tom said he
felt like he had his own personal valet. My effort
paid off because by the time I was done at the water
cooler, Tom was finished with his sandwich and ready to get
back on the road.
Back on the road, Tom's riding speed seemed to have flagged a little
from his pre-Salsberry-summit speed, however, and I
was worried about our progress for the rest of the
day. I had only two hours of lights with me, which
meant I would have to finish the double in about
fourteen hours. Tom had lights to go all night, but,
considering that I had spent the morning resting up
behind him, it seemed to more efficient to stick
together and work with each other for the day.
I tried to get in front and pull Tom to let him
conserve energy but I had trouble getting the speed
right. First I'd go too fast and would lose Tom, then
would ride too slowly, forcing Tom to pass me. He
seemed so worn, though, that finally I convinced him
to let me know what was the right speed to ride.
After that, I took a long turn pulling and Tom warmed
up to the idea pretty quickly. "Sitting back here
resting is pretty good," he'd say. "No more free rides
for you. From now on we're splitting the work
fifty-fifty." I thought that sounded a little extreme,
however, and talked him down to a sixty-forty
draft-pull ratio.
That's 60/40 in my favor!
Between Ashford Mills and Badwater, we passed several
riders and a couple of them jumped on behind Tom. So,
in what is probably the height of my cycling career,
for several miles I pulled a small train of riders
through the Death Valley floor. I was going a little
faster than I could sustain, however, and I eventually
pulled around so a now-refreshed Tom could take over.
That was a mistake, however. Full of energy, Tom
steamed ahead and dropped the extra riders who had
jumped on behind us. The effort to keep up with him made my stomach lurch. By the
time we finally reached lunch at mile 130, my stomach
was too upset to eat and I opted for a diet Coke
instead. Still perky, Tom pestered me just as I was
about to sit down and enjoy my soda to stand in front
of the sea-level sign so he could take a picture.
After Badwater, the final seventy miles went smoothly.
I kept telling myself that the last fifty miles after
Furnace Creek in the dark would go quickly, since
that's what I'd remembered from 1998, and they did. At
Furnace Creek we stopped at our campsite for supplies
and that was the best rest stop I've ever had on a
double. I drank and entire quart of chocolate soy milk
that I had in the car, replenished my supply of ginger
candies that helped soothe my stomach, and dropped off
extra clothes and water bottle that I no longer wanted
since I needed the space on my bike for my light
battery. I had though that stopping back at the car at
mile 150 might tempt me to end the ride early, but
instead I felt strong and was looking forward to the
final stretch to Stove Pipe Wells and back.
Once on the road again, I kept looking for
TandemCraigKen to be just finishing up. We had seen
them earlier when we were descending Salsberry into
Shoshone, as they were returning from Shoshone
climbing back up to Salsberry. They had been among the
five or so earliest riders, and I had expected to see
them again pulling into Furnace Creek. After twenty or
so riders passed, however, I realized that they had
probably passed that way earlier and we had missed
them. As Tom and I were returning from Shoshone
heading back up Salsberry, we had also seen Tim riding
steadily toward Shoshone, giving us a big grin and
In the last fifty miles, Tom and I took about equal
turns pulling, with me spending more time in front the
more the ride progressed. Tom is much stronger than I
am, and on a ride less than 100 miles long, I would do
no good by pulling. I've had much more endurance
training than Tom has lately, however: this was my
fifth double of the year and I rode my bike across the
country for nearly an entire month, whereas this was
Tom's first Triple Crown double in four years. At mile
140, Tom said that that was the longest bike ride he'd
done all year. I thought back to my many 130- and
160-mile days on PAC Tour grinding into
morale-breaking twenty-mile-per-hour head winds and
said, "I wish I could say that!" With our disparate
preparations, the longer we stayed on the road the
more I could help out and pay Tom back for all of the
drafting I'd taken advantage of in the morning.
At Stove Pipe Wells, we were laughing and goofing
around while we filled up our water bottles and
snacked on Luna Bars. Tom had built his own custom
light holder on his bike, which holds five Cateye LED
lights, and everyone was impressed and checking out
his lighting system.
It gets very, very dark in Death Valley, and it was
fun riding in the pitch black. I couldn't see whether
the road went up or down or for how long. I couldn't
tell how fast we were going or how long we'd been
riding. I just rode. Occasionally I'd take my eyes off
of the road for a moment to look up at the wide open
sky filled with stars. The next morning we drove
through the same stretch of road and Tom took pictures
of the miles of scruffy plants stretching across the
We pulled into Furnace Creek about fourteen hours
after we had left in the morning. Normally on a double
century I spend various amounts of time wondering why
I'm out there and how much longer I have until the
finish. This is the first double where I actually felt
like I could have kept going at the end. At first I
attributed my storehouse of energy to my training at
PAC Tour, but in retrospect I think I was more likely
boosted psychologically by taking more turns pulling
than I ever have on a ride before. Plus, having Tom's
company all day made the ride much more enjoyable.
The scenery in Death Valley was beautiful, the weather
was perfect, and the course couldn't have been easier
to navigate. All in all, it was a great day and an
excellent way to fnish off my most-cyclingest year
ever, with 1000 miles of double centuries and 3000
miles riding across the country. I'm definitely glad I went.