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1996 > Big Sur Ride > Lisa and KenS's Report
Team Bikeaholics, requiring a much-needed period of rest and relaxation after countless weeks of double centuries, long-distance rides and intense weekday training rides, set aside the weekend of Sept. 28-29 to do the relaxing two day option of the Big Sur Ride. This is a 170-mile benefit ride, first held in 1995, that runs along the rugged Big Sur coastline, up through the Ventana Wilderness to an overnight campground at Ft. Hunter-Liggett, and then on to the Salinas Valley and a return via Carmel Valley. Participants included Team Bikeaholics Captain Lisa Antonino, Morale Officer Ken Straub, Science and Technology Officer John Emmel, Team Financial Advisor Karl Kneip, and Sergeant-at-Arms Don Bennett. Accordingly, the team
The first official rest stop
We stopped by the Bixby Creek Bridge, high above the Pacific, for an obligatory photo session. The water was a beautiful greenish-blue color in places, and the sky was stunningly clear.
Bikeaholics Meet Joyce, Orthodontist Extraordinaire.After about mile 40, we turned off to make our first "official-unofficial" rest stop, at Nepenthe. For weeks, the Bikeaholics had been planning and dreaming about a mandatory espresso stop at this classic Big Sur hangout (a favorite of such luminaries as Henry Miller and Ansel Adams), where we had promised to rendezvous with Joyce, the orthodontist (see the Eastern Sierra Double ride review for background information about Joyce). The Bikeaholics arrived at the designated location
It wasn't long before we arrived at the "Vista Point" rest stop at mile 65 near the junction with Nacimiento Rd., where we feasted on sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and took in some sort of fluid (water or the pink sports drink, in this case diluted Hydragel). Right out of the rest stop at the beginning of Nacimiento Rd., we were required to roll over a steep, overgrown cattle guard, and most of us had to precariously walk over the grate and get back on our bikes in one of the steepest sections of the road. With such a feat accomplished, the remainder of the climb up to Fort Hunter-Liggett seemed easy in comparison. As we climbed up and over the coastal mountains, we were rewarded with a series of spectacular views of the central coastline and forested areas. The grade was not too bad, either, at about 2500 ft. over the course of 7 mi. But it was starting to heat up, and the shady stretches of road were welcomed. There was a rest stop at the summit, where we stopped briefly to refuel, but flies & other noxious insects kept us from lingering too long. The remaining 10 miles to Fort Hunter-Liggett were pleasant and slightly downhill, and we arrived at the base at around 4:00. Upon retrieving our camping gear, we set up our tents and walked to the showers at the recreation building nearby. We knew we were on an authentic military base when, at 5:00 (or "1700 hours", as we eventually learned to say), a very, very large PA system erupted into the bugled strains of "Retreat", and all regular base inhabitants, including those in the swimming pool, jumped up to stand at attention until the completion of the flag-lowering ceremony.
Bikeaholics Meet SpidermanThere was some time to relax before dinner, so while Don, John and Karl made their way up to the Officer's Club, Lisa and Ken decided to explore the fully restored Mission San Antonio de Padua. We decided to take a short cut through an open field, which turned out to be a BIG mistake. Although we arrived well within the specified dinner hours, it was clear that at least a hundred hungry cyclists had already made their way to the Officer's Club dining hall
In typical Bikeaholics fashion, veteran team members Ken and Lisa, intent on adding in extra loops, had brought their NiteRider lighting systems, and prepared themselves for an after dinner loop.
That wake-up call came much too early, but it was our growling stomachs that prompted us to make our way to an early breakfast. We were among the first ones to arrive, and we feasted on plates piled high with eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes and waffles. We successfully brewed one large mug of Peet's coffee to kick start our bodies into action, and then returned to the campsite to take down our tents and pack our gear. The real army side of the base was also coming to life at this point, and we watched khaki-clad soldiers loading up HumVees and various other miltary vehicles for whatever activities they were planning for a typical pleasant Sunday morning (possibly a picnic with MRE's?). We then got on the bikes and made our way off the base and down the other side of the mountain towards King City. After a somewhat slow start, we arrived at the junction with Jolon Rd., where we stripped off our outer layers, since the air temperature was rapidly increasing. The next 15 miles to King City were fast and easy, and it wasn't long before we got to the Hwy 101 entrance ramp, where we rode a brief stretch on the freeway to King City. The route continued along past fields of tomatoes and peppers. At one point we were almost sprayed alive by a stunt crop-dusting helicopter, but we managed to scare the pilot off with appropriate threatening gestures (editor's note: it is possible that the pilot, seeing Lisa's bright red & yellow jersey, mistook us for tomatoes & peppers). We turned on Spreckles Rd., which went up and down a slight ridge, turned westward, and proceeded to the first rest stop at Oak Park in Greenfield. Upon turning into the driveway to the park, we noticed Ken was missing. He showed up a couple of minutes later, whining and complaining about having gotten stung by a bee a little ways down the road. We made the appropriate sympathetic noises while quickly proceeding toward the food table, filling up on cookies and peanut butter sandwiches. On the way to the restroom, Ken complained further about his bee sting, and Captain Lisa verified that the sting site had indeed swelled up approximately 10x and was probably a little sore (editor's note: subsequent events finally ended all hopes of Ken's getting any real sympathy for the bee sting). While the Bikeaholics were busy refueling, Lisa decided to break away to a distant table to take a required dose of asthma medication from her MDI (metered dose inhaler). Knowing that on previous rides the Bikeaholics timed the moment of her inhalation to deliver the punch line of jokes or to make fun of her, she had learned that in order to get the proper dose with the mandatory 10 sec. of breath-holding, it was necessary to find a suitable hiding place. She settled down on a remote bench, and having scanned the area for Bikeaholics and seen that they were either sufficiently far away or busy eating, got out the MDI, and shook it in preparation for the first dose. With the usual perfect timing, Ken, unaware that a medical procedure was underway, suddenly appeared before her and began a litany of jokes. After blowing out the asthma medication, an exasperated Lisa retorted with a "Leave me alone! Let me inhale in peace!" (editor's note: a Bikeaholics committee was quickly assembled to discuss this problem, and it was decided that, on future rides, Lisa will have to wear a large reversible sign emblazoned with the words when carrying out such activities).
Bikeaholics Meet 911On our way down, we saw a mountain biker on the side of the road playing with yet another humongous tarantula, so we stopped for a photo-op before continuing on our way. After a very fast initial descent down Carmel Valley Rd, we came out onto a flat section and slowed to about 25 mph, riding in a fairly neat paceline. All at once, a loud, metallic scraping sound was heard, and the Bikeaholics turned to look behind them and witness Captain Lisa being flung from her new Sonica, rolling off to the right side of the road. There had been a large horizontal bump in the road, which resulted in her hands being thrown off the brake hoods, and the handlebar turned the wheel to the left, causing the bike to go out of control and crash at speed. Lisa remembers the bump and realized in an instant that a crash was inevitable. After some indeterminate period, she remembers sitting by the side of the road, wondering how she was going to get back on her bike to finish the ride. Unfortunately, she didn't remember exactly where she was, where she was going, or even which ride it was! Team Bikeaholics, as usual, reacted with speed and precision. We checked for serious damage, determined that there was some, and got out the first aid kits. "Damage" in this case included a cracked helmet, trashed Oakleys, shredded "Death Ride" jersey, a little blood, LOTS of road rash, contusions, scrapes, bruises, etc., but nothing apparently broken. Having loaded up the cars, we decided to meet for espresso before heading back home. After some driving around, we found a coffee place at the Carmel Shopping Center, where we convened and reviewed "The Crash" over more lattes and cappuccinos. Lisa's memory of the event had by now been fully restored, but any illusions that our Team Captain looked normal were shattered when a passing shopper glanced at her, did a double take, and exclaimed something like "My God! What happened to you?!! That must have hurt!", etc. A final defining moment of the 1996 Big Sur Ride was when Team Bikeaholics delivered a slightly damaged Team Captain back to her parents' house in Aptos. The problem is that only 36 hours earlier they had picked up a cheerful, undamaged, fully functional Team Captain with a brand new bike, and now they were returning a rather bruised and dazed Captain Lisa along with a broken bicycle, and her parents wanted an explanation! It took all of his skills in diplomacy and a lifetime of training for Morale Officer Ken to successfully complete this last part of the Big Sur Ride (editor's note: Gee, Ken, I hadn't realized that this was such a traumatic experience!). SummaryThe Big Sur Ride is one of the most relaxing, scenic two-day rides in the central coastal area. Although it has a stiff entry fee (~$100, including meals and camping), a large portion of the money goes to local schools, and, in fact, most of the rest stops are staffed by energetic & cheerful high school students. It is very well organized, and the rest stops were sufficiently stocked, although this year with 200 riders, the Officer's Club at Fort Hunter-Liggett had pretty much surpassed its capacity! Nevertheless, we recommend it!